In a Boston Globe article, June 13, 2017, titled; Promotion of health care execs could lift GE’s efforts in life sciences and health data, Rob Weisman, the healthcare business writer for the Boston Globe reviewed GE’s new leadership team.
“Monday’s announcement that the company’s health care chief John Flannery was promoted to chief executive of GE, and the promotion of life sciences boss Kieran Murphy to head its health care operation, was cheered by those involved in Massachusetts’ medical, life sciences, and technology businesses.” Among the fans of the change is MV President Maria Shepherd.
“….the market is changing so much,” said Maria Shepherd, president of Medi-Vantage LLC, a medical technology consulting and strategy firm in Lincoln. “It’s all about improving clinical outcomes and reducing costs. Having [GE] here in Boston makes them local, so they’ll get to know the local entrepreneurs.”.