Advamed Women’s Executive Network conference_agenda_ Cambridge MA 6-20-17
Maria Shepherd, President of Medi-Vantage moderates two panels at #WEN17 Conference on 6/20 @AdvaMedUpdate @MassMEDICouncil
Lunch Plenary Session – Medtech CEOs & Investors: Leadership Differences (and Similarities) between Male and Female CEOs from the Eyes of the Investor Moderator:
- Maria Shepherd, President, Medi-Vantage
- Panelists: Darshana Zaveri, General Partner, Catalyst Health Ventures and Interim CEO, Lantos Technologies
- Foaud Azzam, Partner, Life Sciences Partners
- We’ll be interviewing VCs that have hired female and male CEOs, and the difference that they see in management styles, agendas, strategy, and vision as they approach managing their own organizations
Company Leadership and Governing with Female CEOs
- Moderator: Maria Shepherd, President, Medi-Vantage
- Deborah Kilpatrick, Chief Executive Officer, Evidation Health
- Maria Palasis, President and CEO, Arsenal Medical and 480 Biomedical